Albert Einstein once said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulates progress thus giving birth to evolution.” Children who tell their own stories foster creative thinking. They have to imagine a world with characters, movement and have to articulate the story to their audience.
Scratch is a free programming language where children as young as six years old are able to develop their imagination by creating interactive stories, animations and games. Selwyn is a vibrant eight year old student. He is learning to tinker through Scratch Programming for the very first time. He is looking forward to creating his animations and games in Scratch.
How This Works:
He uses blocks to develop the program. He is able to reason systematically by arranging the order of blocks according to how he would like his project to flow. In this first lesson, he gets familiarized with the User Interface of Scratch. He draws down a plan on a project that he would like to make. Once he has put his idea on a piece of paper, he implements the idea on Scratch. He then tests his project and it works according to what he had imagined. He presents and improves it by tweaking the code and by adding more features in the code.
We anticipate seeing the other creative projects that he will come up with in his next class.

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